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Montana Organizations

MSU Extension Forestry


The mission of Extension Forestry is to provide education and outreach to Non-industrial Private Forest Landowners around Montana. It is estimated that more than 30,000 landowners own approximately 4 million acres of forestland in the state.

The Montana Tree Farm program is a non-profit organization affiliated with the National Tree Farm System and American Forest Foundation. Our purpose is to help private forest landowners manage their lands with the goals of conserving forests, water, and wildlife while promoting natural resources based recreational opportunities.

Montana Forest Collaboration Network

The Montana Forest Collaboration Network (MFCN) is primarily a volunteer a consensus-based collaborative group, formed in August 2016 to assist collaborative groups across Montana in forest and grassland restoration, conservation and resource utilization for the benefit of all.

The Montana Wood Products Association was founded in 1972 and serves as a major voice for the wood products industry while actively dealing with timber, logging, and wood products manufacturing issues in the public arena, and with state and federal government.

Founded in 1976, the Montana Logging Association (MLA) provides a unified voice for the family-owned businesses that harvest and transport timber from forest to mill in Montana. On behalf or our members, we interface with public agencies, legislative bodies and media sources.

The mission of the Forest Stewardship Foundation is to "educate and inform landowners, natural resource professionals and the general public about the science and ecology of forest lands, the many values derived from forested lands and the principles of sustainable forest land development."

FireSafe Montana is a private, non-profit organization coordinating and supporting a statewide coalition of diverse interests working together to help Montanans make their homes, neighborhoods, and communities fire safe.
When people take personal responsibility for applying and maintaining Firewise practices on their property, they greatly increase the chances of their homes surviving a wildfire.  Through its public information programs and materials, website, newsletter, and special events, as well as its active involvement in federal, state, and local fire mitigation efforts, FireSafe Montana is working hard to reduce the potential loss of life and property from wildfire in Montana.

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National Organizations

The American Forest Foundation (AFF) works on-the-ground with families, teachers and elected officials to promote stewardship and protect the values provided by our nation’s forest heritage. A commitment to the next generation unites our nationwide network of forest owners and teachers.

The mission of the Society of American Foresters is to advance the science, education, technology, and practice of forestry; to enhance the competency of its members; to establish professional excellence; and, to use the knowledge, skills, and conservation ethic of the profession to ensure the continued health and use of forest ecosystems and the present and future availability of forest resources to benefit society.

Healthy Forests, Healthy Communities is a non-profit, 501(c)(4) organization. It is supported by individuals and businesses who are passionate about improving the health of our forests and the future of our rural, forested communities. Originally founded in Roseburg, Oregon in 2013, we have grown and now advocate for active forest management through regional programs in the Pacific Northwest, Rocky Mountains and Great Lakes States.

The National Woodland Owners Association understands, assists, and joins together people who are stewards of wooded lands and care deeply about the future of forests, forestry and land use. Our staff and Board are passionate woodland owners and foresters dedicated to the health, maintenance and sustainability of all forests.


The MFOA has an informal affiliation with the National Woodlands Owners Association, the Publisher of the National Woodlands magazine.  It is the only national organization that performs the same function that MFOA performs on a State basis.  The MFOA recommends you consider joining the National Woodlands Owners Association.

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Publications of Interest

MSU Extension's first issue of Lives & Landscapes is Winter 2017.  Lives & Landscapes features practical articles full of easy-to-apply information.

A publication of the MSU Extension Forestry, Montana Tree Farm System, Forest Stewardship Foundation, and the Montana Forest Stewardship Program.  See MSU Extension Forestry for a listing of issues.

The Montana Tree Farm Mission is to promote the growing of renewable forest resources on private lands while protecting environmental benefits and increasing public understanding of all benefits of productive forestry and to raise the level of knowledge about natural resource issues as related to forestry management.

Northwest Woodlands is a quarterly publication produced in cooperation with our affiliated groups in Washington, Idaho and Montana will keep you informed on regional issues. The magazine is dedicated to the management of family forestlands in the Northwest and has many articles by regional experts and forestry education specialists.


Previous editions

The mission of the National Woodland Owners Association is to use unbiased, research-based, objective and factual information to inform, educate and advocate for woodland owners, forest managers, natural resource agencies, media professionals, cooperating organizations, the general public, and policy makers to ensure a sustainable managed forest resource in the United States.

Since 1986, Evergreen Magazine has been the voice of American forestry and science-based forest policy. In the ongoing pursuit of practical, sustainable and productive forests, we’ve updated our look and expanded our reach.  We’ve been delighted to discover a broad audience of reasonable, cooperative people who understand the vital importance of healthy, actively-managed forests.

Helping Forest Landowners Manage their Forest and Protect Special Sites.
Managing in a manner that protects the integrity of the property and takes into account its unique qualities.

For the latest information about forest health click on picture to the left.

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Northwest Woodlands Magazine

© 2016-2019 by Montana Forest Owners Association

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